About Us
Welcome to our family farm!
It all began two decades ago. After receiving my first Buff Orpington pullets that shone as golden as the Colorado sunshine, I set down the path of keeping poultry. I’ve learned through many mistakes and successes over these past years. We’ve raised them in Oklahoma, Texas and Montana we've found different breeds excel in a certain states due to the natural weather patterns.
After raising chickens for many years and giving them as gifts to delighted friends, we wanted to share them with people who are just starting their first flock or who are interested in trying other breeds. My husband ordered Americana, Rhode Island Reds, Barred Plymouth Rocks and a few others and raised them alongside our chickens. As they grew so did the demand for them! We have steadily grown our flock to 3,000 and added other popular breeds. We primarily supply the well known hatchery Murray McMurray and Cackle Hatchery with our pullets that have shipped from coast to coast from Puerto Rico to Alaska.
Our farm is run entirely by our family, with each member contributing his part to the daily operations. We are located in beautiful Montana.
A few of our practices that truly set us apart from others include but are not limited to, complete access to pasture of all pullets after one month of age, they are not raised on wire or in cages and we treat them with table scraps regularly. We supplement the chicks with fodder in this early stage to set a healthy foundation for a long and productive life. It is our family’s goal to raise vigorous and healthy pullets that will provide you with plenty of eggs and enjoyment for years to come.
Thank you for your interest in our pullets!
The Brandstadt Family